Screw Jam Hard Levels
Screw Jam puzzles always start easy and get more difficult, in each section of the game. The very first few puzzles are tutorial levels that are extremely easy to solve. In fact, these levels are more like instructional videos on how to play the game. As you progress through the levels, the difficulty of each puzzle becomes more apparent. Toward the end of each section of levels, there are specific puzzles that are marked as “Hard” These are very easy to identify, because in addition to the game play board that you see on every level when you begin, you also see the familiar red horned devil face that is giving you that evil sneer. There is also a red opaque overlay on the level screen that turns everything a pink color.
The hard levels are obviously, uhh, harder than the previous few levels you’ve just completed. These levels require a lot more planning and even some trial and error and testing to figure out the exact order of steps you need to complete to solve the level. The screws and panels on the board are arranged in a specific way so that it is more complex and challenging. The solving process is typically much more intricate, as well. Be prepared to take additional time on these levels, because passing them will demand it.
Fortunately for you, you don’t have to solve them alone. Or, if you get stuck and can’t figure out how to solve them, we are here to help you! Screw Jam Walkthrough has all the Screw Jam Hard Levels. All you have to do is use the navigation on the site, (sidebar on laptop and desktop or at the bottom of this page on mobile). Using the links, just click to the Hard level you need help with and we’ll show you a video of how to solve the level. If you want a quicker path to the solution video, just type the level number into the search bar and you’ll find the page with the video for that hard level of Screw Jam. Good luck solving and have fun.